Guidelines for Submitting a Question for the

Live Q&A Ask the Experts

  1. Keep your questions concise and focused: Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. This will allow the experts to give you a more direct answer and will also give other participants an opportunity to ask their questions.

  2. Be specific: Be as specific as possible when asking your questions. This will help the experts understand your situation and provide you with more relevant and useful advice.

  3. Please note that this Q&A is not for the purposes of personal medical consultation.

  4. Respect others: During the Q&A session, respect others and avoid making personal attacks or inappropriate comments. Remember that everyone is there to learn and support each other.

  5. Listen carefully: Listen carefully to the responses provided by the experts and other participants. Take notes if necessary, and ask follow-up questions if you need further clarification.

  6. Follow-up: If you have any additional questions or concerns after the session, don't hesitate to follow up with the experts or your healthcare provider.

From Stressed to Thriving: Mastering Stress and Cortisol

with Dr. Pingel, the Adrenal Whisperer

Wednesday, October 23rd at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Dr. Pingel, the Adrenal Whisperer, is a leading naturopathic physician who specializes in stress & cortisol management. She has transformed & empowered countless women, guiding them from feeling wired and tired to a state of calm and connected. She has been featured on major TV shows and in publications like Mind Body Green and Prevention Magazine.

Dr. Pingel is a bestselling author, a hip hop dancer, retired fashion model, and visionary CEO shaping the future of holistic wellness.


Balancing Traditional and Integrative Therapies

Thursday, October 10th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Dani Williamson, MSN, FNP, is an Integrative Healthcare Nurse Practitioner and graduate of Vanderbilt University's Nurse Midwifery and Family Nurse Practitioner program. With a focus on balancing traditional and integrative therapies, Dani empowers her patients to move beyond "normal" health and reach their "optimal" wellness.

Her journey began with her own health struggles, being diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, lupus, and a series of other conditions, leading to a turning point when she discovered the transformative power of gut healing through Integrative Medicine.

As the owner of Integrative Family Medicine in Franklin, TN, Dani specializes in gut health, thyroid (with a passion for Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis), hormone, and adrenal health. Her approach to care is holistic, addressing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of healing. Believing that our bodies are naturally designed to heal themselves, she encourages a focus on real food and gradual environmental changes for sustainable health.

Dani is also a dynamic speaker, author, and content creator, actively sharing her knowledge on platforms like her weekly health show on Facebook, Instagram, and her YouTube channel. Her private Facebook community, "Inside Out Healing From Within," has over 10,000 members committed to improving their health. Her first book, Wild & Well: Dani’s Six Commonsense Steps to Radical Healing, is already an Amazon bestseller, inspiring countless individuals on their journey to wellness.

Facebook:  Dani Williamson Wellness

Instagram: @DaniWilliamsonWellness

YouTube: Dani Williamson Wellness  

TikTok: DaniWilliamsonWellness


Brain Health and Cancer

Thursday, September 26th at 3:00pm Eastern Time

Jay Faber, MD, is a double board-certified Adult and Child/adolescent psychiatrist. He practices at the Amen Clinics, a renowned brain health imaging center, in Encino, CA.

In addition to his psychiatric degrees, Dr. Faber found it necessary to acquire a board certification in metabolic medicine from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. In addition, Dr. Faber then went on to complete a Masters Fellowship at George Washington University in Integrative Medicine. With that expansion of education, Dr. Faber has found more effective holistic ways to address both brain-body issues. Along with the academic accomplishments, Dr. Faber has authored a book, Escape: Rehab Your Brain to Stay Out of the Legal System.

The book was helps those who have been involved with the criminal justice system to get out and stay out…forever. The chapters in this book directly focus on the premise that individuals are not always bad people, they just have bad brains that need appropriate and effective biological/psychological/social care. When not in the office setting, Dr Faber runs a foundation, the Faber Brain Youth Foundation. This nonprofit charitable organization reaches out to young adults ages 18-30 who have an interest in the performing arts but have not necessarily learned business/leadership skills.

The group meets with these budding young adults helping them develop pertinent development skill sets including critical thinking, goal setting, mental toughness, resilience, and purpose.


Somatic Practices and Vagus Nerve Healing

Wednesday, September 11th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Dr. Cathleen King, DPT is a physical therapist who is passionate about teaching neuroscience-based practices targeting the brain and nervous system. She is the founder and CEO of the Primal Trust™ Academy & Community. She weaves together brain retraining, vagus nerve toning, somatic movement, and trauma-informed attachment repair techniques in her online, world-wide platform. Her focus is to help people with self-healing from chronic illness and trauma patterns. She personally found freedom from over a decade of debilitating health chronic Lyme disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, mold toxicity, PTSD and more and has been presenting as an expert on nervous system healing to both traditional medical providers and mind-body healing communities.

Learn more at


Discover  Weight Loss Resistance : Overcoming Hidden Barriers Like Mold, Lyme, Parasites, and Hormonal Imbalances

Wednesday, August 28th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Shalin Dominique, a dedicated Functional Medicine Practitioner with a passion for empowering women to achieve lasting weight loss and optimal health.

Tired of seeing clients struggle with endless diets and temporary fixes, Shalin uses cutting-edge Functional Lab Testing to uncover the hidden root causes of weight gain and stubborn health issues.

By addressing underlying problems such as parasites, gut imbalances, Lyme disease, mold exposure, and hormonal imbalances, Shalin helps women restore balance and vitality to their bodies. With a holistic and personalized approach,

Shalin is committed to guiding each client on a transformative journey toward sustainable wellness and their dream body.


The Role of Psychedelics in Healing Cancer and Chronic Illness

Wednesday, August 14th at 2:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Maya Shetreat, MD, is a neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, and author of The Dirt Cure: Healthy Food, Healthy Gut, Happy Child (Simon and Schuster, 2016), which has been translated into 10 languages.

She has been featured in the New York Times, The Telegraph, NPR, Sky News, The Dr. Oz Show, and more. Dr. Maya is the founder of the Terrain Institute, where she teaches Terrain Medicine™, earth-based programs for transformational healing.

She works and studies with indigenous communities and healers in Ecuador and is a lifelong student of ethnobotany, plant healing, and the sacred.


Empowering Diabetes Wellness: Nourishing Mind, Body, and Balance

Thursday, July 18th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Cyrus Khambatta, PhD earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2003, then earned a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 2012.

He is the co-author of many peer-reviewed scientific publications.

He is the co-founder of Mastering Diabetes and Amla Green, and is an internationally recognized nutrition and fitness coach who has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2002.

He co-created the Mastering Diabetes Method to reverse insulin resistance in all forms of diabetes, and has helped more than 10,000 people improve their metabolic health using low-fat, plant-based, whole-food nutrition, intermittent fasting, and exercise.

He is the co-host of the annual Mastering Diabetes Online Summit and is the author of the upcoming book Mastering Diabetes with Robby Barbaro, MPH



Diet, Detox & Determination: Your Questions Answered on Beating Cancer

Wednesday, June 19th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Dana F. Flavin,born in Chicago as the youngest child of Dr. and Mrs. Byron Flavin. Both parents studied Medicine and their excellent example of compassion and devotion to duty made a lasting impression on Dr. Flavin’s life.

Dr. Flavin recently began the Foundation for Collaborative Medicine and Research in Greenwich Connecticut to teach colleagues and patients what she has learned from around the world in areas of medicine and of nutrition and nutrients in fighting diseases.

She is also helping find and develop new cutting-edge therapies from around the world for cancer, diabetes, and many other diseases. Her successes include developing a new therapy for Mononucleosis that cures children in 24 hours, Published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2006, and a therapy for breast cancer patients that reverses brain metastases within 3 months, published in the Journal of Neuro-oncology, 2007. She is continuously searching for new therapies, both conventional and complementary. She has found therapies for multiple sclerosis after proof that it is a pathogen, not an autoimmune disease. She has prevented the development of AIDS by blocking the destruction of the lymphocytes by the HIV virus. She has many more discoveries that are yet to be published. Her cancer therapy has reversed stage IV cancers that were abandoned by the Oncologists as therapied out, including: Breast cancer, Melanoma,

Lung Cancer, Colon cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer and many more. She says there is still more work to be done and much more to learn.

“There is always a Treatment, we just have to find it” is her motto and she has devoted her life to help mankind in every way possible to relieve suffering, find cures and bring back hope to the hopeless and health to those who were dying.


Thyroid Talk: An Integrative Guide to Thyroid Health

Thursday, June 6th at 1pm Eastern

Meet, Angela D. Mazza, DO, ABAARM, FAAMFM, ECNU is triple board-certified in Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism, Internal Medicine, and Anti-aging and Regenerative Medicine.

She completed her fellowship in Anti-Aging and Metabolic and Functional Medicine through American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M). She is also certified by the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists (AACE) in neck ultrasounds and diagnostic biopsies. Dr. Mazza is a thyroid specialist who earned her ECNU (Endocrine Certification in Neck Ultrasound) certification and specializes in radiofrequency ablation (RFA) procedures for thyroid nodules.

Dr. Mazza’s broad medical background includes significant research in both basic and clinical realms of endocrinology. She has served as the principal investigator and sub-investigator on multiple, large-scale diabetes therapy and device trials. This expertise led to numerous publications and national and international conference presentations.

In addition to working on her podcast “Thyroid Talk with Dr. Angela Mazza,” she is the author of Thyroid Talk: An Integrative Guide to Thyroid Health. Dr. Mazza is the founder of Metabolic Center for Wellness in Oviedo, FL, where she spends a great majority of her time caring for persons with autoimmune thyroid disease, thyroid nodules, and thyroid cancer. Metabolic Center for Wellness is the only center in Central Florida providing the thyroid saving procedure, RFA, for thyroid nodules.

Highly regarded for her individualized approach to patient care, Dr. Mazza empowers each person to achieve their unique goals by providing education, lifestyle management and support. Dr. Mazza believes that hormonal changes that happen in women and men as they age play a huge part in their overall health, longevity, and quality of life.

Her passion is helping her patients achieve metabolic as well as hormonal balance.


Divine Resilience: Thriving Amidst Challenges

Wednesday, May 22nd at 1pm Eastern

Meet, Dr. Vaughn Lawrence founded Spirit of Health in 2010 with a heart to proclaim the message that God is a healer.

He is passionate about educating people to turn back to God’s original design and break free from the many labels or diagnoses they may have been given, as they are never part of God’s plan or intention. God is a healer, and the testimony of thousands of people confirms that!

Dr. Vaughn started his health journey at only 28 years old. He was overweight at 230 pounds, tired all the time, addicted to junk food, and had been on medication for over 10 years, diagnosed with tachycardia (rapid and irregular heartbeat). The options he was given were an ablation (cauterizing/burning the heart circuitry or taking medication for the rest of his life). Thankfully, he chose neither. Dr. Vaughn made his first attempt at natural health by visiting a local chiropractor named Dr. Roles.

This was a life-changing experience in multiple ways. In three months, Vaughn saw his symptoms reverse and was completely off of his medication through the use of herbs and chiropractic adjustments. Dr. Roles asked to pray with Vaughn regularly, introducing him to the truth of a real, loving God who played an instrumental role in how the body is designed to heal itself when provided with the right resources.

Five years later, Dr. Vaughn gave his life fully to the Lord, and this newly formed bond between himself, God, and natural health took off into what would soon become Spirit of Health. Dr. Vaughn earned his Doctorate of Naturopathy (with a concentration in Herbology) and was privileged to train with three master herbalists.

Dr. Vaughn worked in the Las Vegas area as a health food store manager, educator, practitioner, and consultant before returning to Kansas City and founding Spirit of Health. In the last 15+ years of practice, Vaughn has seen over 10,000 patients and witnessed firsthand the power of healing that exists within each individual, available to all of us through God’s amazing design of the human body.

Dr. Vaughn has seen the most chronic cases of autism, ADHD, chronic fatigue, severe bowel disorders, auto-immune diseases, thyroid conditions, Diabetes, and much more, completely reversed.

Dr. Vaughn is passionate about helping as many people as possible to fulfill the purpose God has for their lives so that they may “persevere and run the race” to the fullest of their ability.


Functional Medicine, Autoimmune and Gut Health

(Thriving with Autoimmune Diseases)

Wednesday, May 8th at 1pm Eastern

Meet Amber Satterfield, an Applied Functional Medicine Practitioner, Nutrition Consultant, Author and Health Advocate.

She is a Warrior of 4 Autoimmune Diseases, Type 2 Diabetes and cancer and so passionate about my journey to Functional Medicine.

She was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and felt a sigh of relief that there was an answer but then the prescriptions of pills began. She immediately knew in her gut that there had to be a better way.

She began seeing practitioners of Homeopathy & Functional Medicine to begin her healing journey, learning about the body and what makes us sick.

She was diabetic, diagnosed with Hashimotos Thyroiditis, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis, and then Cancer, and had gained over 80 pounds from being so sick and struggling with the yo-yo dieting and immense stress. 

Now, she overcome and reversed every single disease and lost over 60 pounds without the use of medications and this amazing journey has made me so PASSIONATE to help others find healing just as I have! I now THRIVE & feel so nourished and incredible in my body! 

She received her training from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition*, where she studied a variety of dietary theories, nutrition, health practices, and practical lifestyle coaching methods.


Hormonal Balance and Cancer Prevention

Wednesday, April 24th at 2pm Eastern

Meet, Christiane Northrup, M.D., is visionary pioneer in women’s health, a board-certified OB/GYN, and New York Times bestselling author of Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom, The Wisdom of Menopause and Goddesses Never Age. Dr. Northrup was the host of 8 highly successful public- television specials.

Her work has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, the Today Show,

NBC Nightly News, The View, Rachael Ray, Good Morning America, 20/20, and The Dr. Oz Show, among many others. Dr. Northrup was named one of the “100 Most Trusted People in America” by Reader’s Digest (2013), and one of Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul 100”—a group of leaders using their voices and talent to awaken humanity (2016).

Dr. Northrup has also been

named one of the “Watkins Spiritual 100”—a list of living people that make a unique and spiritual contribution on a global scale (2020, 2021, 2022). In December 2022 Dr. Northrup was

1 of 6 women to receive the Zelenko Foundation’s Rosa Parks Award, and honored for standing up for truth, God and justice against all odds, smears, obstacles, and censorship.

She continues to inspire and awaken humanity through live events, her website, social media

presence on Facebook/Meta, Twitter, Telegram, her podcast, True North on Substack, and through her line of health and personal care products, Amata Life.


The Science of Breathing and Mouth Tapping

Wednesday, April 10th at 1pm Eastern

Meet, Sachin Patel a father, husband, philanthropist, functional medicine practice success coach, speaker, author, and breathwork facilitator, and plant medicine advocate. Sachin is convinced that, “the doctor of the future is the patient” and he has committed himself to helping others raise their consciousness, activate their inner doctor, and initiate their deepest healing through the use of lifestyle, and breathwork.

Sachin founded The Living Proof Institute through which he pioneered a revolutionary approach to patient-centered healthcare. Sachin coaches hundreds of practitioners around the world so that they are empowered to deliver affordable and inspired care to their communities through his Perfect Practice Mentorship Program.

He is an advocate of transforming the healthcare paradigm and he has devoted his life to the betterment of health care for both patients and practitioners.


The Unspoken Roots in Cancer:
(A Discussion of the Emotions and Toxins associated with Cancer )

Wednesday, March 27th at 3pm Eastern

Meet, Dr. Christian Gonzalez, aka Dr. G, completed his Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2014. During his time there, he took interest in many fields of medicine, but it wasn’t until his mother passed of cancer that he decided to shift his focus to oncology. 

The evolution of Dr. G was in cancer. Upon graduation, he completed his residency at the  Cancer Treatment Center of America in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where he found a passion in helping people optimize their health in preventing chronic disease. He soon realized that cancer was not simply nutritional or exercise-based, it was much more than that.

The relationships we have with our home, the environment, and the people in our lives all play a role in the development of chronic disease. As he studied this concept more, Dr. G became passionate about environmental medicine as well as the mind, body, spirit connection.


The Endless Energy (Let's talk about gut health and how diet, toxins and stress come into play when trying to improve daily energy)

Wednesday, March 13th at 1pm Eastern

Meet , Brittany Heyden is a nurse practitioner and functional medicine coach helping women address the underlying imbalances within their body.

She developed a love for functional medicine after battling her own health issues (arrhythmias, allergies, exhaustion, brain fog, irritability, gut and hormonal imbalances, and breast implant illness).

Recognizing the potential of a root-cause approach, she now empowers women faced with similar struggles to find health and wellbeing through her unique approach, "Exquisitely You: The Holistic Restoration".


Feeling Good Again is NOT the Impossible Dream

Wednesday, February 14th at 1pm Eastern

Lorraine Maita, MD the Hormone Harmonizer and Detoxifier, specializes in helping you have boundless energy, stable moods, a lean body, sharp, clear mind and balanced hormones so you can feel like yourself again.

She helps you understand how your lifestyle choices impact your mind and body so you can choose what makes your feel great.

She believes that no one should suffer the ravages of a hormone imbalance or age like a dried raisin, shriveled and juiceless. While aging and life changes are inevitable, suffering is optional.

There are safe, effective ways to balance your hormones and slow the aging process so you can get your life back.

• She is a triple board certified physician, writer, author, speaker and award winning physician.

• Her programs impacted over 120,000 people in each of 3 Fortune 100 companies where she served as Chief Medical Officer or Medical Director of Global Health Services as well as thousands in her private practice.

• Her own struggles with hormone imbalance prompted her to become Board Certified in Anti-Aging Regenerative and Functional Medicine and Advanced Endocrinology.

• As CEO and Founder of The Feel Good Again Institute, Vibrance for Life and How to Live Younger, she has been featured in ABC News, Forbes, WOR Radio and many media outlets to spread the word that you can live younger and healthier at any age.

• Her patients call her a “miracle worker” “a revolutionary doctor” “a warm, caring, medical professional who listened, really listened and is extremely smart” “words cannot express how grateful I am to Dr. Maita for turning my life around” “feeling 20 years younger.”

Adult men and women are freed of the struggle to maintain their weight, lift the brain fog, stabilize mood swings, fight fatigue, have fabulous fertility and harmonize their hormones. They reclaim their strength, vitality, libido, and more. She enables them to think, feel and live life fully with optimal health.


Unexpected: Finding Resilience Through Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith

Wednesday, February 28th at 1pm Eastern

Meet , Dr. Jill Carnahan is Your Functional Medicine Expert® dually board certified in Family Medicine for 10 years and in Integrative Holistic Medicine since 2015.

She is the Medical Director of Flatiron Functional Medicine, a widely sought-after practice with a broad range of clinical services including functional medical protocols, nutritional consultations, chiropractic therapy, naturopathic medicine, acupuncture, and massage therapy. As a survivor of breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, and toxic mold illness she brings a unique perspective to treating patients in the midst of complex and chronic illness. 

Her clinic specializes in searching for the underlying triggers that contribute to illness through cutting-edge lab testing and tailoring the intervention to specific needs.

As a survivor of breast cancer, Crohn’s disease, and toxic mold illness, Dr. Jill brings a unique perspective to treating a variety of complex and chronic illness.

She has traveled the world educating physicians on the principles of personalized and functional medicine. As a celebrateD inspirational speaker and a prolific writer, she shares her knowledge of hope, health and

healing live on stage as well as through newsletters, articles, books, podcasts, and social media.

Audiences and patients alike are able to relate to Dr. Jill’s scientifically- backed opinions and many find inspiration in her authenticity, love, and humor

Her new book, Unexpected: Finding Resilience though Functional Medicine, Science, and Faith will be released through Forefront Publishing in March 2023.   And she is executive producer and featured in a new documentary about her journey overcoming illness called Doctor/Patient to be distributed in 2023.

She is known for inspiring her audience to thrive even in the midst of difficulties.


Breathwork - Mind, Body, Harmony

Thursday, January 18th at 2pm Eastern

Jen Broyles is a Transformational Coach, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Neurosomatic Breath Therapist and Breathwork Guide who helps high-achieving individuals like you release anxiety, limiting thought patterns, and harsh self criticism so they can activate confidence, healing and peace in their life.

She knows what it’s like to feel like you have tried everything, followed all the rules perfectly, listened to everyone’s advice, but still feel stuck, stagnant, anxious, and unfulfilled.

What Jen found on her personal healing journey is that so often, the root of physical ailments exists on a deeper emotional, psychological, and spiritual level.

After embarking on a healing journey that involved working with holistic doctors, energy healers, shamans, and spiritual and transformational coaches, Jen began to appreciate the transformative value of techniques for self-care and natural healing - healing practices such as cleansing, nutrition, essential oil therapy, breathwork, mind-reprogramming, and plant medicine.

Jen incorporates these tools into a holistic approach that looks at the whole person - body, mind, and spirit - to calm and rebalance the nervous system, activate self-healing, and release past emotional wounds.

Through Jen’s process of supporting healing in the body, reprogramming thoughts in the mind, and reconnecting with the soul, her clients become empowered to step into their true Self and experience healing from within.

By addressing the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects, clients start to believe they are worthy of abundant health, trust their intuitive guidance, and step into their sovereignty.



Thursday, January 4th at 3pm Eastern

Meet, Debbie Hart, a BA Education, BS work - Information Science, 1200 hr CMT-P (professional level manual therapist), Level II SCENAR therapist and Level I SCENAR trainer, Cranio Sacral Therapist, NES Health master practitioner and clinical coach, Kundalini Yoga Instructor.

Debbie’s philosophy is that health is achieved when a person is able to find balance in all areas of body, mind, and spirit and by tapping into the profound, natural intelligence and powerful healing mechanisms innate in all of us.

Her passion and mission is bringing all aspects of bio energetic medicine and holistic healing into people and animal’s lives and homes. Since 2005 she has been working privately as a manual therapist, cranial sacral, SCENAR therapist. In 2011 she brought NES into her private practice. In 2013 she started work as a NES Health clinical coach in the US, as well as directing the development and implementation of the NES Health TWS Foundation Classroom and Online Training Program.

As of the fall of 2018, she is continuing her passion and work in bioenergetics bringing RedHealth Wear into the states and currently directs development, distribution, training, and support efforts in the US. She currently resides and works in Monument, Colorado.

“Happiness is achieved when what you think, what you say, and what you do are all in harmony” Mahatma Ghandi


The Healing Power of Sound

Tuesday, December 12th at 12pm Eastern

Meet, Mariette Aida, an enchanting opera singer turned compassionate sound healer, who has woven her melodious journey into a tapestry of healing and harmony.

Once captivating audiences with her operatic prowess, Mariette transitioned her gift into a healing force, using resonant sound bowls to guide others on a transformative path. With each ethereal note, she not only evokes emotions but also creates a healing space where souls find solace and restoration within their body.

Mariette's fusion of music and healing stands as a testament to her commitment to fostering wellness through sound, making her a beacon of hope for those seeking profound transformation and inner peace.

“Sound is the Medicine of the Future.”- Edgar Cayce


Brave New Medicine: A Doctor’s Unconventional Path to Healing Her Autoimmune Illness

Wednesday, November 22nd at 3pm Eastern

Meet, Cynthia Li is a medical doctor and bestselling author whose personal journey through a complex autoimmune condition took her from public health in underserved communities to integrative and functional medicine, and intuitive healing. Cynthia has studied with functional medicine experts, environmental health scientists, alternative healers, and qigong masters. She has also served as faculty for Rachel Remen's Healer's Art program at the University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. Her memoir is called Brave New Medicine.

For the past 10 years, she has been studying and practicing Zhineng Qigong (also known as Wisdom Healing Qigong) with Master Mingtong Gu and Teacher Wei Qifeng. She is a certified qigong teacher and healer, and has guided workshops for up to 1,000 people, often in mainstream medical settings. She is also the editor of a foundational book with Teacher Wei that launched Summer 2023, Mingjue Awakening: Teachings on Pure Consciousness, Collective Field Qigong, and Energy Healing.


Healing Beyond Medicine:

The Role of Holistic Wellness in Conquering Chronic Diseases

Wednesday, November 8th at 3pm Eastern

Meet, Grace De La Rosa is the CEO and Founder of Living with Grace, LLC. She is a Holistic Wellness Consultant, Public Speaker, Educator and Philosopher in Jacksonville, FL. As a Survivor and Thriver of Stage 3(c) Colon Cancer, Childhood Trauma, Domestic Violence, PTSD and Suicide, she advocates for holistic wellness education, non-violence, mental health, contemplative practices, and alternative and integrative wellcare options.  

Grace provides Holistic Wellness, Mindfulness, Meditation and Spiritual Teachings through presentations, seminars, workshops and retreats in group or private settings.  She creates customized systemic programs for a smoother work flow, plans speaker’s events and retreats, and provides spiritual readings and healings as a Psychic Evidential Medium, Channel, Mystic and Prophet. She also provides professional content as a TV/Video/Radio/Virtual Spokesperson, Voice-Over Talent, Mixed Media Artist, Calligrapher, Writer, Poet and Pianist.   Grace obtained a Bachelor of Arts degree in Communications and TV Broadcasting with a minor in Psychology at the University of North Florida.

Her professional background is diverse: from the Department of Justice, politics and Corporate America to fitness,  wellness and television.  Some of her vast array of trainings include Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), Group Fitness Instructor, Mental Health First Aid, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and Polyvagal Informed Somatic Technique.  The best training and education she’s ever received so far is first-hand life experiences themselves, and that includes her transformative white-light spiritual awakening experience. Her experience was so overwhelmingly powerful and profound that she considered leaving everyday life to live a monastic life as a Zen Buddhist monk. Instead, she chose to incorporate her experiences and mystical knowings to help guide others along their unique spiritual pathway.  

She stays active in her community as an Advisory Council Member with The Salvation Army’s Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) which houses and treats125 men with mental health and substance use challenges and was the former Founding Chairperson for the First Coast Recovery Advocates (FCRA) which also assists people with mental health and substance use disorders including alcoholism.

She also volunteers her time with various organizations on local, state and national levels. Her latest project entails certification as a Human Rights consultant.


Natural First Aid for Anxiety and Stress

Wednesday, October 25th, at 01:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Amber Belt, with two decades of experience in the medical field, I’m poised to help you empower yourself around your health. Medical autonomy is more important now than ever!

Trained as a Naturopathic Physician, her practice was largely focused on primary care, acute care, and musculoskeletal injury. She saw firsthand how the Sickcare System unraveled over the years, creating frustration and mistrust in many people, both patients and providers.She's here to help put the power back in your hands when it comes to your medical care. She teach people how to handle acute situations and first aid emergencies, how to handle the basics of their own primary care, and when it’s wise to seek care from the conventional system.

Dr. Amber Belt, is the founder of Sage Sirona, to empower you to make natural choices. They provide natural first aid kits and other natural remedies like our 1% Iodine Nasal Spray. Sage Sirona is also where she house her educational materials and free articles.


Understanding Qi and its Healing Potential

Wednesday, October 11th, at 07:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Master Liu,Founder and Owner of Yuantong Taiji Healing Centre in Meishan, Sichuan, China ; First Zhineng Qigong Teacher to share Zhineng Qigong in Tibet; President Worldwide Association of Zhineng Qigong Science, USA; Co-Founder and Master Teacher and Coach of International Hun Yuan Qi Therapy Program, under the Cooperation of Life Qi Centre (Meishan, China) & Body & Mind Factory (Cape Town, South Africa); Co-Founder and Master Teacher of Zhineng Qigong Master Class, Level 1-3, Zhigong Instituut (Epe, The Netherlands)

Co-Founder and Master Teacher of Zhineng Qigong Centre of Consciousness Study, Stockholm, Sweden “Mentor for Self-Healthcare in China” Award from the Council for „Innovative theories, methods & practical applications for Self-Healthcare Management “(Beijing).

He has been sharing Zhineng Qigong theories, principles, and methods for over 40 years and was trained directly by Dr. Pang Ming during the rigorous teachers’ program in the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Center – globally renowned as the first “medicine-less hospital in the world”.

He continued to work closely with Dr Ming for 10 years and has supported the healing of thousands of people – including those from mental, chronic, and terminal illnesses. He teaches the theories, principles and methods of Zhineng Qigong healing in his own Zhineng Qigong Center in China, as well as in Europe, the USA, Mexico, South Africa, Indonesia, and Malaysia. His commitment to traveling globally is based on his vision to share the wisdom, power, and benefits of Zhineng Qigong Hunyuan Qi Therapy with as many people as possible. Healing, inner wisdom, balance, increased self-awareness, trust, and confidence in sharing the healing methods with others are concrete results of studying and learning from Master Yuantong Liu.


Energy Healing and Cancer

Tuesday, September 26th, at 02:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Nathan Crane, a natural health researcher andholistic cancer coach. He is an award-winning author, inspirational speaker, Amazon #1bestselling author and 20x award-winning documentary filmmaker.

Nathan is on the Board of Directors for the Beljanski Foundation, a Non-Profit Conducting Scientific Research into Natural Solutions for Cancer.

Nathan is also the Director of Healing Life, President of the Holistic Leadership Council, Producer of the

Conquering Cancer Summit, Host of the

Conquering Cancer Documentary Series, and Director and Producer of the award winning documentary film

Cancer; The Integrative Perspective.

In 2005, at only 18 years old, Nathan began his health, healing and spiritual journey, eventually overcoming a decade of brutal teenage addiction,

house arrest, jail and challenging times of homelessness to become an international author, filmmaker, researcher and educator.

Nathan has received numerous awards including the Accolade 2020 Outstanding Achievement

Humanitarian Award, and the Outstanding Community Service Award from the California Senate for his work in education and empowerment with natural and integrative methods for healing cancer.

With more than 15 years in the health and wellness field as a researcher and advocate, Nathan has reached millions of people around the world with

his inspiring messages of hope and healing.


Holistic Injury Healing, Inflammation and Muscle Testing

Wednesday, September 13th, at 02:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Christine Smith, a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Doctor of Chiropractic with a background in Cognitive Neuroscience, she specializes in Holistic Injury Recovery and Chronic Inflammation Prevention to help active people come back stronger, uncover hidden injuries and prevent re-injury. She does this by teaching clients how to use recovery time as a gift to restructure lifestyle priorities, to learn to speak the language of their body through education rather than medication, and heal beyond the scars.

Her work is focused on seeing the whole person through personalized, integrative healthcare and regularly works with other trusted providers to create holistic care plans. Her path has included many experiences outside the straight academic path leading her to where she is today.

She started her journey to holistic healthcare through receiving her Bachelor’s of Science with a double major in Biology & Psychology and a specialization in Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Denver in Denver, CO.

Working in multiple integrative wellness clinics with various types of practitioners, she got the chance to observe wait lists of patients who had been struggling with their health for years improve dramatically under chiropractic care with a focus in integrative care, functional medicine and customized nutrition.

Dr. Smith obtained her Doctorate of Chiropractic from Life Chiropractic College West in Hayward, CA based on the way she would be educated to think about what true health actually is, and the type of personalized care she would have the freedom to provide


Recover Your Health Restore Your Life

Wednesday, August 30th, at 01:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Carol Lourie graduated from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1983 and obtained her California State Acupuncture license in 1988.

She established her clinical practice as a Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and Homeopath in Berkeley, CA. She's a dedicated practitioner with over three decades of clinical experience, specializing in complex and chronic disease management, and focusing on women’s health.

Carol focuses on the emotional aspect and metabolic factors of breast cancer. She provides integrative and complementary protocols of focused nutrition, targeted supplementation, lifestyle changes, and an empowered mindset to reduce treatment side effects and minimize risk of recurrence.

She has developed an online live coaching program to provide these science-based integrative strategies to women with breast cancer, bringing her knowledge and caring to women throughout the world.

She’s helped thousands of women recover their health and restore their life.


Genius Biofeedback

Thursday, August 17th, at 01:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Ariel Policano is a naturopathic doctor. Naturopathic doctors receive conventional medical training along with extensive training in natural remedies, such as a whole foods diet, herbs, homeopathy and nutritional supplementation.  She attended the National College of Natural Medicine, located in Portland, Oregon. She has been in practice since 2002.

Ariel’s first work was to develop detoxification protocols for her patients. She saw a connection between the environment and its effects on health. She saw that because of extensive exposure of people to pesticides, plastics, and heavy metals created a great the need for detoxification of the digestive system, liver and kidneys. Dr. Policano observed immense changes in patients’ health from participation in a cleansing/detox program.

She also has studied the effects of diet extensively and has studied hundreds of various types of nutritional supplements, medicinal mushrooms, herbal remedies, whole food powders. Over time, she has moved more and more into energy medicine technologies and now does extensive research on these.

For the past 10 years, Ariel has served as the chief trainer and researcher for the Genius Biofeedback software.


Preventing and Reversing Heart Disease

Wednesday, August 2nd, at 03:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Esselstyn the director of the Heart Disease Reversal Program at the Cleveland Clinic. He is also the author of Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease (2007), in which he argued for a low-fat, whole food, plant-based diet that avoids all animal products and oils, as well as reducing or avoiding soybeans, nuts, and avocados. The diet has been advocated by former U.S. President Bill Clinton.

Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn is a practitioner pioneer who showed that plant-based diets may not only stop heart disease but reverse it.

Since that study, Dr. Esselstyn switched to a plant-based diet himself and has worked to convince the medical profession that they should inform patients of dietary strategies for treating chronic diseases rather than assuming that they would not be willing to make changes in their diets. He reminds doctors and the public about the significant risks in heart bypass operations, including the potential to cause further heart damage, stroke, and brain dysfunction. So compelling is the evidence from his own studies and those of others that Dr. Esselstyn has called heart disease a “paper tiger” that need never exist and where it does now, need never progress.



Mind, Body, and Spirit Transformation with Qigong

Wednesday, July 19th, at 04:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr Roger Jahnke, OMD, was among the first pioneering experts in Asian Medicine to become licensed in the US. He was the Chief of Staff of one of the earliest of the new era Integrative Health Clinics, in Santa Barbara California and the first professor at the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine.

He found the Mind-Body Practices associated with Chinese Medicine — Qigong and Tai Chi -- to be even more compelling than the clinical modalities – a portal to the deep self as well as citizen health self-reliance. Dr Jahnke has traveled to Asia ten times to research Qigong and Tai Chi in the parks, universities, hospitals, temples and sacred mountain sites and he has lectured at a number of China's integrative medicine hospitals.

Roger is author of two widely respected books on Energy Medicine and Mind-Body Energetics - The Healer Within and The Healing Promise of Qi. He has lectured for the American Medical Association, the American Hospital Association, National Wellness Institute, American College of Health Executives and has consulted and developed innovative programming for numerous agencies and institutions. He was editor of the clinical chapters Chinese Medical Qigong, the official text of Medical Qigong in Chinese medical schools. He is lead author of A Comprehensive Review of the Health Benefits of Qigong and Tai Chi, published in the American Journal of Health Promotion (AJHP) -the “evidence base” for Qigong and Tai Chi.

Roger is the Co-Founder of the National Qigong Association and the Healer Within Foundation a wellness based 501c3. He has been an annual presenter at the Esalen Institute, the Omega Institute, Kripalu Yoga Center, New York Open Center and 1440 Multiversity. Dr Jahnke is Director of the Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi (IIQTC) which has trained over 2000 Qigong and Tai Chi Instructors and Practice Leaders who teach simple Qigong and Tai Chi Easy Practice Leaders who work in schools, hospitals, spas, faith institutions, corporations, social service agencies and the military.

In association with the Healer Within Foundation he is directing a Nationwide Tai Chi Dissemination Project. The mantra, “We train 1,000s to inspire 1,000,000s to heal themselves for FREE!” As the CEO of Health Action Synergies, Dr Jahnke collaborates with talented colleagues to coordinate training, research, program development and consulting on building teams and cultures that innovate to foster sustainability of our treasured human and planetary wellbeing.

As well as –

Please see:


The Healing Power of Energy Medicine Yoga: Enhancing Physical and Emotional Well-being

Wednesday, June 21st, at 01:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Lauren Walker, the author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice (Sounds True, 2014) and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription (Sounds True, 2017).

Both books won the Nautilus Silver award for best Mind/Body publication. She’s been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997 and created Energy Medicine Yoga while teaching at Norwich University.

She teaches EMYoga across the US and internationally and has been featured many times inYogaJournal

MantraMagazine, Yoga Digest, and published a feature article about her yoga work in The New York Times.

She was recently named one of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America.


Unlocking the Power of Trauma and Release Exercise

Wednesday, June 7th at 3:00pm Eastern Time

Meet David Berceli, Ph.D. is an international author, presenter, and trainer in the areas of trauma intervention, stress reduction, and resiliency & recovery training. He has lived and worked in war-torn countries and natural disaster zones around the world. In response to this global need he created a body-based method called “Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE).” He is the author of three books that have been translated into 18 languages. His academic career includes a degree in Social Work (PhD), Clinical Social Work (MA), Certificate in Field Traumatology (Cert.), Theology (MA), Middle Eastern Studies (MA). He is also certified as a Massage Therapist (MT), and Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT).

Dave has spent two decades living and working in nine countries providing trauma relief workshops and designing recovery programs for international organizations around the world.  He has lived and worked extensively in Israel/Palestine, Sudan, Uganda, Kenya, Yemen, Egypt, and Lebanon. He is fluent in English and Arabic. 

David is unique in that he holds a solid academic and experiential grounding in psychotherapy and therapeutic body-work. He integrates that with a keen understanding of the intertwining dynamics of religion and ethnic customs.  This combination has allowed him to develop unique and specific processes that enable people from all parts of the world manage and move beyond personal trauma as well as bring healing and reconciliation between diverse groups.  


Combat Auto Immune and Cancer

Wednesday, May 24th at 2:00pm Eastern Time

Joel Fuhrman, M.D. is a board-certified family physician, seven-time New York Times best-selling author and internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing. He specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods. Dr. Fuhrman is the President of the Nutritional Research Foundation and on the faculty of Northern Arizona University, Health Sciences division. He coined the term “Nutritarian” to describe a nutrient-dense eating style, designed to prevent cancer, slow aging, and extend lifespan. 


10 Healing Factors and Powerful Benefits of Radical Remission (Part II)

Wednesday, May 10th at 2:30pm Eastern Time

Liz Curran – Co-Director of the Radical Remission Project and holistic cancer health coach, educator, and speaker – was inspired to become a health coach after caring for her sister with an aggressive breast cancer diagnosis in 2014. She watched her sister struggle with feeling powerless to aid in her own healing. During that time, Liz believed that there had to be a roadmap out there to guide people to play a stronger role in their own healing. She believes Radical Remission is that roadmap.

As a Certified Radical Remission Health Coach, Liz has witnessed the power of lifestyle change firsthand, which motivates her to share the powerful benefits of the 10 healing factors with people seeking all types of treatments on their cancer journey, as well as other mental and physical diagnoses.

Liz has a Master of Science in International Marketing from St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia and received her health coaching certification from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition as well as from the Radical Remission Project. She is nationally board certified by the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaches (NBHWC).

As the Co-Director of the Radical Remission Project, and as a Certified Radical Remission Workshop Instructor & Health Coach, it is Liz’s mission to empower others to find their voice and play an active role in their health with the foundational factors of Radical Remission.


10 Healing Factors and Powerful Benefits of Radical Remission

Thursday, April 27th at 2:00pm Eastern Time

Meet, Karla Mans Giroux - Co-Director Radical Remission Project Holistic Cancer Health Coach, Educator and Speaker Karla Mans Giroux – Co-Director of the Radical Remission Project and a holistic cancer health coach, educator, and speaker – is a radical remission survivor living with stable metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Karla was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 and underwent a bilateral mastectomy, chemo, and radiation. Eleven years later, in late 2014, she received a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. This diagnosis did not align with her goal of living to be 100+, so she decided to do all that she could to manage this challenge. Karla embarked on a holistic healing journey to help herself regain optimal health and longevity. With her integrative approach to healing, she is blessed to report “no evidence of disease” since 2016! Her passion has led her to share what she has learned so that everyone with a diagnosis can have a better chance of overcoming the odds. Karla has a Bachelor of Arts degree from DePaul University, Chicago with a focus in Project and Change Management. She received her health coaching certification from the Wisdom of the Whole Coaching Academy as well as the Radical Remission Project and is nationally board certified by the National Board of Health & Wellness Coaches (NBHWC). She Co-Founded the Health Navigators, a Virtual Cancer Wellness Community in 2020. As Co-Director of the Radical Remission Project, and as a Certified Radical Remission Workshop Instructor & Health Coach, it is Karla’s mission to share the powerful benefits of the Radical Remission healing factors with the world. Email Karla here.


Love, Animals and Healing

Wednesday, April 12th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet, Dr. Siegel, who prefers to be called Bernie, not Dr. Siegel, was born in Brooklyn, NY. He attended Colgate University and Cornell University Medical College. He holds membership in two scholastic honor societies, Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Omega Alpha and graduated with honors. His surgical training took place at Yale New Haven Hospital, West Haven Veteran’s Hospital and the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh.

In 1978, he originated Exceptional Cancer Patients, a specific form of individual and group therapy utilizing patients’ drawings, dreams, images and feelings. ECaP is based on “carefrontation,” a safe, loving therapeutic confrontation, which facilitates personal lifestyle changes, personal empowerment and healing of the individual’s life. The physical, spiritual and psychological benefits which followed led to his desire to make everyone aware of his or her healing potential. He realized exceptional behavior is what we are all capable of.


My Answer to Breast Cancer

Thursday, March 30th at 2:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Jenn Simmons, spent the first 17 years of her career as one of the country's top breast cancer surgeons. Her own experience as a patient with autoimmune disease led her to functional medicine. So enamored with the prospect of preventing and reversing disease rather than masking symptoms, she left her prestigious position in 2019 to start Real Health MD, a functional medicine oasis for those affected by breast cancer. Her course, My Answer to Breast CancerTM, helps motivated women put their breast cancer diagnosis behind them by providing the tools they need to build health. Dr. Jenn’s mission is to educate those affected by breast cancer on the principles of anti-inflammatory living.


There is Always Treatment, We Just Have to Find It(Part II)

Wednesday, March 15th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Dana F. Flavin,born in Chicago as the youngest child of Dr. and Mrs. Byron Flavin. Both parents studied Medicine and their excellent example of compassion and devotion to duty made a lasting impression on Dr. Flavin’s life.

Dr. Flavin recently began the Foundation for Collaborative Medicine and Research in Greenwich Connecticut to teach colleagues and patients what she has learned from around the world in areas of medicine and of nutrition and nutrients in fighting diseases.

She is also helping find and develop new cutting-edge therapies from around the world for cancer, diabetes, and many other diseases. Her successes include developing a new therapy for Mononucleosis that cures children in 24 hours, Published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2006, and a therapy for breast cancer patients that reverses brain metastases within 3 months, published in the Journal of Neuro-oncology, 2007. She is continuously searching for new therapies, both conventional and complementary. She has found therapies for multiple sclerosis after proof that it is a pathogen, not an autoimmune disease. She has prevented the development of AIDS by blocking the destruction of the lymphocytes by the HIV virus. She has many more discoveries that are yet to be published. Her cancer therapy has reversed stage IV cancers that were abandoned by the Oncologists as therapied out, including: Breast cancer, Melanoma,

Lung Cancer, Colon cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer and many more. She says there is still more work to be done and much more to learn.

“There is always a Treatment, we just have to find it” is her motto and she has devoted her life to help mankind in every way possible to relieve suffering, find cures and bring back hope to the hopeless and health to those who were dying.


The Psychology of Cancer

Wednesday, March 1st at 2:00pm Eastern Time

Meet, Prof. Keith Scott-Mumby MD, MB CHB, PHD

Voted “Scientist, Physician, Alternative Doctor, Truth Teller and Seer” by his subscribers

brief biography.

Qualified in medicine MB ChB (same as MD) in Manchester, UK in 1970, Scott-Mumby almost immediately began research into controversial alternative medicine.

He started the first successful Food and Environmental Allergy Clinic in 1979 which rapidly spread to Harley St (London), Glasgow, Dublin and Stockholm. Those were exciting days in which we made many new discoveries.

Scott-Mumby made medico-legal history in 1986, when a UK Crown Court accepted his evidence that food allergy was capable of making a youth murderously violent; the story rated rated 20 minutes of Channel Four News and the youth was given a conditional release (condition: that he stick to Scott-Mumby’s diet!).


There is Always Treatment, We Just Have to Find It

Wednesday, February 15th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Dana F. Flavin,born in Chicago as the youngest child of Dr. and Mrs. Byron Flavin. Both parents studied Medicine and their excellent example of compassion and devotion to duty made a lasting impression on Dr. Flavin’s life.

Dr. Flavin recently began the Foundation for Collaborative Medicine and Research in Greenwich Connecticut to teach colleagues and patients what she has learned from around the world in areas of medicine and of nutrition and nutrients in fighting diseases.

She is also helping find and develop new cutting-edge therapies from around the world for cancer, diabetes, and many other diseases. Her successes include developing a new therapy for Mononucleosis that cures children in 24 hours, Published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, 2006, and a therapy for breast cancer patients that reverses brain metastases within 3 months, published in the Journal of Neuro-oncology, 2007. She is continuously searching for new therapies, both conventional and complementary. She has found therapies for multiple sclerosis after proof that it is a pathogen, not an autoimmune disease. She has prevented the development of AIDS by blocking the destruction of the lymphocytes by the HIV virus. She has many more discoveries that are yet to be published. Her cancer therapy has reversed stage IV cancers that were abandoned by the Oncologists as therapied out, including: Breast cancer, Melanoma,

Lung Cancer, Colon cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer and many more. She says there is still more work to be done and much more to learn.

“There is always a Treatment, we just have to find it” is her motto and she has devoted her life to help mankind in every way possible to relieve suffering, find cures and bring back hope to the hopeless and health to those who were dying.


The Power of Thermography

Thursday, February 2nd at 2:00pm Eastern Time

Meet, Dr. Piana who has over 30 years of experience as a Doctor of Chiropractic. He practiced in Connecticut and moved to the town of Ninilchik, Alaska in 2019 during the beginning of the Pandemic. He spent time traveling around the world teaching Medical Thermography.

During the COVID pandemic he taught the government how to use thermal equipment to detect fevers at airports and public institutions. He has a large following with thermography and now with online conferencing can stay at home more often and serve both these doctors and clients, as well as patients right here in Ninilchik.


Changing the Cancerogenic Field

Thursday, January 19th at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet, Dr. Henning Saupe was born in 1964 in Laupheim/Germany. He completed his medical studies at the University of Ulm from 1986 to 1992 and received his license to practice medicine in 1992.

In 1995, after successfully completing his doctorate in psychotherapy, he earned the title of „“.

In June 2014, he opened the new Arcadia Clinic in Bad Emstal, Germany where he serves as Medical Director.

Based on his extensive direct experience of treating patients for over 30 years and from more than fifty countries who have come to receive his care, he has developed a model that tangibly strengthens the life and self-healing forces, while also counteracting pain and loss of joy in life.

In this way, he places the infinitely differentiated network of forces of a human being at the center of his explanations, because protecting this is a deep concern of his. "To achieve the coherence of the forces, to awaken the self-regulation of the immune system, that is the mission in every phase of life- to be satisfied and healthy," is his conviction.

In November 2021 his first book „Krebs verstehen und ganzheitlich behandeln“ (Understanding cancer and treating it holistically) was published in Germany.

In November 2022 the American/English edition of his book was published under the title „Holistic cancer medicine“ by ChelseaGreen.

Dr. Saupe has given lectures and workshops about holistic cancer medicine in Europe and the USA. In February 2023 he will speak for the 2nd time at the Annie Appleseed project conference in West Palm Beach.


Food is Medicine

Wednesday, January 4th at 3:00pm Eastern Time

Meet, Jan Johnson, who has advanced training in evidence based integrative and functional medicine nutrition. Her approach will take you beyond managing your dis-ease, into a model of health, recovery and wellness.

Jan is a nationally known speaker who is currently affiliated with Podesta Wellness in New Orleans. Additionally she has a large tele-medicine client base.

Jan has been successfully coaching and counseling clients for over 40 years on how to use nutrition to achieve improved health outcomes. Combining her vast knowledge with cutting edge science of root cause medicine she helps people:

  • lose weight

  • reduce medication

  • improve inflammation

  • rectify reflux

  • enhance digestion

  • amend food sensitivities/allergies

  • lift constipation

  • correct diarrhea


Healing Cancer as a Metabolic Disease

Wednesday, December 7th, at 3:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet, Prof. Thomas Seyfried, who has been a featured speaker at numerous scientific symposia and conferences relating to cancer, including the 2nd Annual Ancestral Health Symposium, 2012; The Educational Session Lecture, American Association Cancer Research, 2013, and the Institute for Human & Machine Cognition (IHMC), 2015.

His research program focuses on mechanisms by which metabolic therapy manages chronic diseases such as epilepsy, neurodegenerative lipid storage diseases, and cancer. The metabolic therapies include caloric restriction, fasting, and ketogenic diets.


The Anatomy of Wellbeing

Wednesday, December 21st, at 1:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet, Bestselling author Monisha Bhanote, MD, FCAP, ABOIM, is one of the few quintuple board-certified physicians in the nation. She combines ancient wisdom with mind-body science to naturally bio-hack the human body through her expertise as a cytopathologist, functional culinary

medicine specialist, and integrative medicine doctor. Known as the Wellbeing Doctor, Dr. Bhanote has diagnosed over one million cancer cases, provides health programs at, and leads wellness workshops and retreats worldwide.

Featured in Shape, Reader’s Digest, and Martha

Stewart Living, Dr. Bhanote serves on several clinical advisory boards and is a go-to health and

wellness expert for Healthline, Psych Central, and Medical News Today.


Fasting, Juicing and Cleansing for Cancer

Monday, November 21st, at 7:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet,Thomas Lodi, MD has been practicing medicine for 35+ years and, in 2005, transferred his practice from New York to Mesa, Arizona where he founded An Oasis of Healing. At that time, few if any other centers provided integrative cancer care: an intelligent, rational blend of effective therapies from all medical and healing disciplines.

He has pioneered what has now become the definitive route for those unsatisfied with the modern cancer treatment system.

Dr. Lodi’s goal is health and where there is health, not only is there no cancer…there is also no diabetes, no high blood pressure, heart problems, no neurological problems, etc.

Dr. Lodi’s healing approach has revolutionized the integrative oncology industry worldwide, but in order to reach more people, he and his colleagues developed an online program that empowers the everyday person to control aspects of their lives that will facilitate in the prevention of cancer, the elimination of cancer, and overall health restoration.⁠



Thursday, November 10th, at 3:00 pm Eastern Time

Meet, Magdalena Wszelaki, Founder & CEO of Hormones & Balance, is a Hormone nutrition expert, herbalist, speaker, chef, and women’s health advocate with a history of Graves’, Hashimoto’s disease, Estrogen Dominance, and chronic digestive issues. She has found many answers to these issues and hopes to pass them on to you to help you balance your hormones in the most natural way possible.


How to Stop Making Cancer

Thursday, October 27th, at 7:00pm Eastern Time

Meet,Thomas Lodi, MD has been practicing medicine for 35+ years and, in 2005, transferred his practice from New York to Mesa, Arizona where he founded An Oasis of Healing. At that time, few if any other centers provided integrative cancer care: an intelligent, rational blend of effective therapies from all medical and healing disciplines.

He has pioneered what has now become the definitive route for those unsatisfied with the modern cancer treatment system.

Dr. Lodi’s goal is health and where there is health, not only is there no cancer…there is also no diabetes, no high blood pressure, heart problems, no neurological problems, etc.

Dr. Lodi’s healing approach has revolutionized the integrative oncology industry worldwide, but in order to reach more people, he and his colleagues developed an online program that empowers the everyday person to control aspects of their lives that will facilitate in the prevention of cancer, the elimination of cancer, and overall health restoration.⁠


Mindful Eating for Health and Vitality

Thursday, October 13th, at 3:00pm Eastern Time

Meet, Dr. Lynn Rossy a health psychologist, author, and Kripalu Yoga and EMYoga (Energy Medicine Yoga) teacher.

Her books include The Mindfulness-Based Eating Solution: Proven Strategies to End Overeating, Satisfy Your Hunger, and Savor Your Life and Savor Every Bite: Mindful Ways to Eat, Love Your Body, and Live with Joy.

Her passion is teaching which connects her to people around the world in live, online mindful eating classes called Eat for Life and locally in yoga classes at alleyCat Yoga in Columbia, MO.

After serving as President for many years, she now sits on the Advisory Council for The Center for Mindful Eating, a non-profit organization that trains professionals and educates the public about mindful eating. She leads retreats and workshops on mindfulness, mindful eating, and yoga both nationally and internationally. She writes a regular blog called Tasting Mindfulness.


Detoxification for Cancer Prevention and Healing

Friday, September 30th, at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet,Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc is an internationally recognized expert in the field of integrative medicine.

A highly skilled physician and healer trained across diverse medical systems, Dr. Eliaz offers an unparalleled holistic approach to health and healing. He is a leading specialist in integrative cancer treatment and prevention, mind-body medicine, and the application of strategic protocols to address complex, degenerative conditions.

At Amitabha Medical Clinic, Dr. Eliaz and his team have pioneered the use of the blood filtration treatment, therapeutic apheresis, as a groundbreaking clinical procedure for cancer, chronic kidney disease, Lyme disease and other inflammatory conditions—with outstanding clinical success.


How to Prevent Disease and Thrive on a Plant-Based Diet

Tuesday, September 13th, at 1:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Cyrus Khambatta, PhD earned a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Stanford University in 2003, then earned a PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of California at Berkeley in 2012. He is the co-author of many peer-reviewed scientific publications.

He is the co-founder of Mastering Diabetes and Amla Green, and is an internationally recognized nutrition and fitness coach who has been living with type 1 diabetes since 2002. He co-created the Mastering Diabetes Method to reverse insulin resistance in all forms of diabetes, and has helped more than 10,000 people improve their metabolic health using low-fat, plant-based, whole-food nutrition, intermittent fasting, and exercise.



A Holistic Approach to Healing Breast Cancer

Wednesday, August 31st, at 03:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Carol Lourie, a Naturopath, Acupuncturist, and Homeopath with over 35 years of clinical experience. 

She specializes in complex chronic diseases such as infertility for “older” women, breast cancer recovery, autoimmune disorders, and Parkinson's disease.

She takes a holistic approach in her work and believes there is no such thing as an “unexplained” illness


Energy Medicine and Chronic Disease

Thursday, August 18th, at 03:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Lauren Walker, the author of Energy Medicine Yoga: Amplify the Healing Power of Your Yoga Practice (Sounds True, 2014) and The Energy Medicine Yoga Prescription (Sounds True, 2017).

Both books won the Nautilus Silver award for best Mind/Body publication. She’s been teaching yoga and meditation since 1997 and created Energy Medicine Yoga while teaching at Norwich University.

She teaches EMYoga across the US and internationally and has been featured many times inYogaJournal

MantraMagazine, Yoga Digest, and published a feature article about her yoga work in The New York Times.

She was recently named one of the top 100 most influential yoga teachers in America.


Which Supplements Can Help Fight Chronic Disease

Thursday, August 4th, at 03:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Michael Murray,one of the world’s leading authorities on natural medicine. He has published over 30 books featuring natural approaches to health. He is a graduate, former faculty member, and serves on the Board of Regents of Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington.

The Science Behind

According to Doctor Murray

“One of the great myths about natural medicines is that they are not scientific. The fact of the matter is that for most common illnesses there is greater support in the medical literature for a natural approach than there is for drugs or surgery.”

Through his work with leading companies, Dr. Murray has been instrumental in bringing many effective natural products to North America, including:


  • Glucosamine sulfate

  • St. John’s wort extract

  • Ginkgo biloba extract

  • Silymarin (milk thistle extract)

  • Enteric coated peppermint oil

  • Saw palmetto berry extract

  • PGX

  • PharmaGABA

  • Theracurmi




Rapid Transformational Therapy for Healing Emotions

Wednesday, July 20th, at 01:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Marisa Peer is the creator of the multi-award-winning Rapid Transformational TherapyTM, founder of,

international best-selling author, motivational speaker, personal development expert and leading celebrity therapist. Marisa has spent over three decades working with celebrities, CEOs,royalty, and Olympic athletes. She has been voted best speaker twice at Awesomeness Fest and numerous conferences including The Mastermind Group London, the Women in

Business Superconference, and the Royal Society of Medicine.

In addition to being a national magazine columnist, she has

appeared on major media outlets and television shows including NBC’s Today Show, GMTV, Lorraine Kelly, BBC News, Channel 4 News, BBC Radio, Celebrity Fit Club, and many others.


How This Doctor Healed Her Own Autoimmune Disease

Wednesday, July 6th, at 01:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Jenn Simmons, spent the first 17 years of her career as one of the country's top breast cancer surgeons. Her own experience as a patient with autoimmune disease led her to functional medicine. So enamored with the prospect of preventing and reversing disease rather than masking symptoms, she left her prestigious position in 2019 to start Real Health MD, a functional medicine oasis for those affected by breast cancer. Her course, My Answer to Breast CancerTM, helps motivated women put their breast cancer diagnosis behind them by providing the tools they need to build health. Dr. Jenn’s mission is to educate those affected by breast cancer on the principles of anti-inflammatory living.


Healing Illness with the Biology of Belief

Tuesday, June 21st, at 02:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.


The Best Diet for Diabetes Prevention and Reversal

Tuesday, June 7th, at 01:00pm Eastern Time

Meet Robby Barbaro the creator and founder of Mindful Diabetic who has been living with type 1 diabetes for fifteen years. For ten years, Robby has shown excellent control and overall health on a low-fat, fruit-based diet. He now offers private and online group coaching for diabetics.


Rife Therapy for Cancer and Chronic Disease

Wednesday, May 25th, at 11:00am Eastern Time

Meet Dr, Kevin Conners, D.PSc., FICT, FAARFM graduated with his doctorate from Northwestern Health Sciences University in 1986 and has been studying alternative cancer care for over 18 years. He also holds AMA Fellowships and Board Certifications in Anti-Aging Medicine, Regenerative and Functional Medicine, Botanical Medicine, and is Board Certified in Integrative Cancer Therapy.


Naturopathic Solutions for Cancer

Wednesday, May 11th, at 11:00am Eastern Time

Meet Dr. Mark Carney, ND, LAc, an internationally-renowned naturopathic doctor and acupuncturist who is ultra-passionate about helping his patients to achieve their health goals! He has been in private practice since 2001, and people consult with him both in-person and virtually. He works with a wide range of individuals of all ages, from elite athletes and everyday folks who want to optimize their vitality and performance, to those who are dealing with serious health concerns.

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